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(Confidential) Jamie’s Helpline
0300 1233088
Helpline: 0300 1233088

The Gamekeepers' Welfare Trust exists to support gamekeepers, stalkers and ghillies, and their dependants past and present.

Helens GWT Blogs

You will find all of Helens blogs here, with the latest being at the head of the list.


The first day of Spring has already sprung and we are fast approaching the changing of the clocks again. How quickly time goes by.We are constantly surprised and delighted to receive funds from supporters both direct donations i.e. Trusts and shoot

A Happy and Healthy Year

We often take the opportunity in the New Year to reflect on the year past, our loved ones we have lost and our families we hold dear. We consider our future, changes we wish to make, and ultimately give thanks for what we have. For the Gamekeepers’

December 2022

Approaching the festive season and for gamekeepers/stalkers and ghillies and their families – mostly the busiest season, is hectic and can be very stressful. For those who are affected by the bird flu epidemic and wandering birds, for those battling

The Power of Being Together

First of all thank you so much to everyone who has or is supporting us and each other during 2022. There have and are so many I don't wish to miss anyone but a very big thank you. More later. The Country Girls - one of groups and many individuals

We all mourn our beloved Queen and our greatest ambassador for country sports...

...and those who are dedicated to the countryside and its communities and for ourselves as the Gamekeepers' Welfare Trust: gamekeepers/stalkers/ghillies. Last week we did not expect to be mourning our beloved Queen Elizabeth II who dedicated her


“A MAD WORLD” A friend recently said it was a “mad world” just now. Certainly, there have been so many ups and downs both in the world, the country and in the gamekeeping community this year that it could be construed as a “mad world”. As I write

Travelling for good reasons

First of all, this month I would like to pay tribute to a remarkable person – Ronald Rose who walked over 480 miles in memory of his friend Shaun who took his own life and in support and awareness of those who struggle with their mental health. Over

Inspiration is Everywhere

Inspiration everywhere! Its only a few days now before I set off on my mammoth journey which is only possible because of the many gamekeepers and their families who have offered support – a vehicle, a route, and much more including precious time
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