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Helens Blog

Glorious Grouse - Aug 14, 2023

Just after my last blog we received worrying news regarding United Utilities and their arbitrary decision to withdraw shooting leases for many shoots in the Northwest. This action will directly affect gamekeeper’s jobs and many other rural businesses in the locality as well reverse generations of work to preserve the wonderful wildlife and landscapes which these areas are well known for and visited by thousands of visitors every year.

Shooting organisations soon came together to challenge United Utilities and a review is currently underway; a fine example of working together to preserve our future. Rural Communities and science underpin generations of land management protecting these fragile uplands which in turn preserve peatlands and water reserves. Let’s hope common sense prevails although we have seen little evidence of this is recent years with an obsession to follow the re-wilding mantra.

Meantime the 12th August is here; our Glorious Grouse are rightly celebrated and we hope that the season can proceed without interruption. Certainly, the saboteurs are out and about in their ridiculous balaclavas, which can be disconcerting and threatening to the casual walker or motorist out for a Sunday trip never mind the keepers and shooting parties who are the target. The NGO and others publish excellent advice for such incidents and everyone who remains calm and sensible (and whatever the provocation they must do so) in these encounters are to be commended.

The Gamekeepers’ Welfare Trust has been present at Game Fairs from North to South in the past month and will be present along with the health checks at the Welsh Game Fair next month. We are also offering to reimburse for the cost of mobility scooters and wheelchairs which we hope will make a small difference to people who already have greater costs in day to day living never mind holidays and days out.

Our Check in with a Mate campaign continues to create interest. Thank you to everyone who has and is taking part. We hope this will keep going throughout the shooting season. Keeping in touch and watching out for each other is more important than ever. Further information and tips will follow on this important subject during the Autumn.

Thank you too for your support in various fundraising activities; like shooting organisations we do not receive government funding and are reliant on your generosity to support our gamekeeping community. There have been some innovative challenges including a tractor pull at The Black Isle Show and I know one remarkable lady is planning bacon sandwiches during the season to raise funds. Bless your hearts.

As for many looking forward to the season, our grandsons are sallying forth to start their beating days. Giving the young a purpose and the retired, camaraderie, these shoot days are precious to our rural life as well as providing the gamekeeping/stalker and ghillie families a living.

Take care and keep safe.

Uploaded by GWT: Aug 14, 2023
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