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Helens Blog

The Power of Being Together - Oct 17, 2022

First of all thank you so much to everyone who has or is supporting us and each other during 2022. There have and are so many I don't wish to miss anyone but a very big thank you. More later.

The Country Girls - one of groups and many individuals who have and are supporting us in 2022. THANK YOU
The Country Girls - one of groups and many individuals who have and are supporting us in 2022. THANK YOU

Our thoughts are largely on the pheasant season ahead just now with exclusion zones currently expanding in response to outbreaks of bird influenza. We wish everyone well and hope that their seasons are not too disrupted but for those who are directly affected with loss of birds please know we are thinking of you and are here if anyone needs a chat/practical help or anything at all. There is a lot of information available too, through the NGO, Trusted Game, British Game Assurance, BASC, and others which is really helpful.

Wales and Scotland continue to battle decisions which directly affect red listed species, futures and we salute you all for your hard work in raising the profile of the real work of keepers, stalkers and ghillies, every day, every hour and in every thought. All the organisations, Moorland and Educational groups are doing their utmost to educate and provide sensible and down to earth information. We need to support those who are proactive and make sure we are all doing our bit to support sometimes herculean efforts. Every bit helps and combines to make a strong voice.

We know that long hours, adverse weather or disease amongst many other challenges and constant negative news can be disheartening, and this can affect our mental health and family life. Make sure you don’t stay in isolation especially where you are already living in remote areas or are isolated due to disease restricted areas. Talk to each other, to your families, to your friends and colleagues, GWT on Jamie’s Helpline or elsewhere.

On a lighter note we are organising events to give folks an opportunity to have a good time in a relaxed social atmosphere from the end of November to the Spring of next year. Do keep posted to hear where these are to be held and if you would like a supper/dinner in your area do let us know. The first of these is to be held on 30th November at Hawes - further information on social media and on our online shop to order tickets.

Finally thank you as ever for some immense support; next stop Nairn in Scotland supporting the Country Girls and others running 10k on our behalf at Brodie Castle on 6th November. I am on the sidelines cheering on ( I know I should have been running but it would not have been a pretty sight!) thank you all.

Uploaded by GWT: Oct 17, 2022
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