November - Nov 6, 2024

November is a month when the shooting season is usually in full flow but for the grouse season and salmon rivers it is almost over and for the stalkers in full flow again after the end of the traditional stag season.
It is a time when the days shorten, and head torches are needed to fit in all the jobs of the day! It is also a time when it is hoped that there is a little more time at home with families though the keeper will often be found asleep when he/she finally sits down and partners are still on the go!
There are celebrations with bonfire night and remembrance through Remembrance Day. We must never ever forget and it is poignant to see so many standing quietly on a shoot day at 11 am on 11th November or presenting their respects to local memorials. It is so important to ensure our young people know and respect those who have given their lives for us and continue to do so in the name of peace and democracy round the world today.
In November we also remember those in the Keepering fraternity (keepers, stalkers, ghillies) who we have lost and they are honoured through November on our social media pages but also on our memory tree. It is a privilege to be able to join families and friends in remembering loved ones in this way.

There have been major political changes in the last few days and weeks and these are already impacting on the retired, those in poor health and disabled as well as our young people through tuition fees and all of us in other ways too. Our countryside seems to be under siege and we need to stand together and look after each other through tough times. For the farming and shooting communities there are major challenges which will make us take stock and consider the future we want and the future we can manage through our integrity and passion for what we believe in. We can work towards being as resilient as we can be whatever is thrown our way and above all - keep going!
Our college rounds are underway and we are meeting our future keepers making sure they are fit and ready with health checks too!
Please remember the Gamekeepers’ Welfare Trust, Jamies’ Helpline and all our services are here to help you and your families. Thank you for your support in various ways and keep on checking with your mates.
Thank you