September Equinox - Sep 22, 2024
Today is the Autumn Equinox when our attention turns to the shooting seasons, to cooler temperatures, and the culmination of harvest for farmers, whilst the beginning of harvest for lowground shoots.

September is a favourite month for many in the Countryside; cooler temperatures but often just glorious weather and wonderful views as the trees turn colour and all is ablaze with golden and bronze as chestnut, beech, silver birch and banks of bracken.
For the Gamekeepers’ Welfare Trust, we are coming to the end of the Game Fair and Show season, which has been incredibly rewarding. Not only to meet many of the gamekeeping community and those connected but the general public through the health checks offered from our fantastic nurse team. We have been able to expand our support and presence through an expanding team in various parts of the country. Ruth in Hampshire, who is also our brilliant Communications Manager, Jo in the North and Alan in Scotland. Sue who heads up our Nurse team and all our nurses and volunteers.
We know there is considerable anxiety especially in the Uplands and we wish to reiterate our support in confidence on anything worrying you – it might be your family, your home, your future, or a specific problem. We offer re-training, housing support, help to talk things through in confidence. Sometimes taking a step back or talking to someone outside your immediate situation can help. Jamie’s Helpline is there at any time for you all.
We could not achieve this without you all; those who fundraise and hold events or take on challenges – you are all quite amazing! Within the last few weeks, there has been a major Charity Clay Shoot, William who took on a marathon, not only this but in Switzerland no less. Laura who took on the Great North Run and Kayleigh who is taking on the bungee jump at Killiekrankie next week (and me!) and the one and only Miles who is organising a head shave before a major operation! There have been many more and we are incredibly grateful to each and every person involved.
We do need your help to circulate our posters and cards which we hope to display in lunch huts and beaters huts around the country. The Health and Wellbeing Hub is a fantastic resource with confidential access to nurses by phone or online and advice and support on any health concern.
Please do let us know if you would like us to send by post or download on our website (in news). Thank you so much.